Friday, September 24, 2010


Why is it so easy to procrastinate? Why do I do this? Wouldn't life be a lot easier without it? There is so many questions and thoughts that run through my mind. I keep telling myself I'm not going to procrastinate, but it always tends to happen no matter what I do. Procrastination is a really bad habbit and it is going to take a lot of motivation and determination for me to stop.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel about that. Life would be much easier without procrastination. I myself have trouble with this a lot, and I hate it so much especially if it involves doing a really big report or an essay on something for class. It is awful, and it is a really hard habbit to break. It certainly does take a whole lot of motivation to get things done, especially when you don't think it is that important.
