Thursday, October 28, 2010


Growing up I absolutely hated chores. I always dreaded doing chores. Every time my parents would tell us kids to clean house, I wanted to run and hide in my room until all of my sisters finished everything, but unfortunately I had to do my share. I still don’t like chores. Looking back, it really wasn’t that big of a deal. I think I dislike doing dishes the most. Maybe because I have a huge family, so it seems as if the dishes keep piling up. Every kid in the house has to get one cup after the other out of the cabinet and all I can think about is, “you just had water, why would you need to get another cup already?” But their only kids and they forget when they get all excited playing games. It seems like nobody ever cleans the whole kitchen when they are supposed to when it is their dish night.
Doing laundry is a hassle when you have a big family of seven or more.  It is ridiculous how much clothes go in and out of the wash. It is even more ridiculous when you have to do three loads of laundry for one person. It seems like it takes forever to fold all of those clothes.
Living in a house with a bunch of girls is not all that great. The house gets messy and it seems like primping time is way more important. There is hair everywhere depending on what room you go in. So hairballs tend to form because some people are too lazy to pick it up. Hairballs are grouse.
My parents would always tell us kids to take care of the dog. So all of my sisters and I assigned ourselves to a different task for this dog. One of us, the one of us who was willing, would give the dog a bath. This person was never me. I am not a big pet fan. I like animals, but I don’t really want to own one. First of all, I really don’t have the time or money to take care of an animal.
I don’t think I could ever be a maid or a nanny because I would hate to have to clean up after people, or be their own personal cleaning service. I think I would fail at these kinds of jobs.

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