Sunday, October 31, 2010


I have never been into the whole Halloween festivities. I stopped trick or treating when I was like 5 years old. I was never big on trick or treating, but I love candy. All of my sister’s wanted to trick or treat every year, so I would always drive around with my mom and take them and let them make their rounds, around town. I would always steal some of their candy…so not fair for them, but it was so worth it.
It is always fun when I go over to my best friend’s house for Halloween. We hang out, invite a few people over, pass out candy to the trick or treaters, ate caramel apples, and watch scary movies. Well, this Halloween started out like any other, as it got later and darker, the mood got creepier. Except we hung out the night before Halloween this year. We turned off all the lights because she had lit a bunch of candles earlier, before I had arrived. A few hours after we had been hanging out, when the lights were turned off, I had notice a mannequin head was staring at me; it really creeped me out. It looked kind of like Michael Jackson. There was a candle lit right beside the mannequin, so the shadows it displayed on it gave the illusion that the mannequin’s lip was moving. We started to tell ghost stories. Yes, of course they were lame…Nobody would move the mannequin, so it stared at me for at least an hour maybe two. When I left to go home, it was really dark and I was still creeped out by the mannequin and I parked across the street from my friend’s house. As I was on my way to my car, these 3 boys and a dog was walking toward me. I suddenly freaked out and hurried to get in my car. I kept on thinking to myself “I don’t want to get raped!”
This is the creepy mannequin that stared at me all night. Good times!
I really wanted to dress up for a Halloween party or go to a haunted hotel or something fun and festive this year. But that didn’t work out…and plus I didn’t even have a costume. Though I do have barbarian house shoes/boots. They are really furry with a rope wrapped around them. I think they are really cool.
Happy Halloween! :)

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