Sunday, October 31, 2010


I have never been into the whole Halloween festivities. I stopped trick or treating when I was like 5 years old. I was never big on trick or treating, but I love candy. All of my sister’s wanted to trick or treat every year, so I would always drive around with my mom and take them and let them make their rounds, around town. I would always steal some of their candy…so not fair for them, but it was so worth it.
It is always fun when I go over to my best friend’s house for Halloween. We hang out, invite a few people over, pass out candy to the trick or treaters, ate caramel apples, and watch scary movies. Well, this Halloween started out like any other, as it got later and darker, the mood got creepier. Except we hung out the night before Halloween this year. We turned off all the lights because she had lit a bunch of candles earlier, before I had arrived. A few hours after we had been hanging out, when the lights were turned off, I had notice a mannequin head was staring at me; it really creeped me out. It looked kind of like Michael Jackson. There was a candle lit right beside the mannequin, so the shadows it displayed on it gave the illusion that the mannequin’s lip was moving. We started to tell ghost stories. Yes, of course they were lame…Nobody would move the mannequin, so it stared at me for at least an hour maybe two. When I left to go home, it was really dark and I was still creeped out by the mannequin and I parked across the street from my friend’s house. As I was on my way to my car, these 3 boys and a dog was walking toward me. I suddenly freaked out and hurried to get in my car. I kept on thinking to myself “I don’t want to get raped!”
This is the creepy mannequin that stared at me all night. Good times!
I really wanted to dress up for a Halloween party or go to a haunted hotel or something fun and festive this year. But that didn’t work out…and plus I didn’t even have a costume. Though I do have barbarian house shoes/boots. They are really furry with a rope wrapped around them. I think they are really cool.
Happy Halloween! :)

Friday, October 29, 2010


I have realized that when I blog, I start to ramble and jump into different thoughts. I might not stay on topic at all; I just try to get all of my thoughts into a blog post. All of the topics I write about really don't usually have a point or a purpose. I just thought started writing about the random things that I have recently thought about. I am always zoning out and deep in thought. My mom always tells me to snap out of it, when I do not look her in the eye. She thinks I am drifting off or spacing out, when in reality I am listening to her and thinking about what she is telling me, but I am also looking up when I think about our conversation. I tend to day dream also.
I love being random, having random conversations, and being completely spontaneous. I may be predictable, but I have my moments where I completely shock and surprise people, when they least expect it. There is an unexplained excitement to random moments. You never really know what to expect in those random times, and there is no way to predict what could happen. Being random and spontaneous is super fun. Placing expectations and limitations on things can cause conflict and stiffness, which creates no room for fun. Staying open minded allows the mind to explore and it opens the door to creativity.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Creating and writing a fluency blog for 30 days seemed pretty cool; I was unsure and skeptical, but excited to blog. I have never blogged before. I thought it was interesting; I could have a little fun with it and make it my own. I found it difficult to create a fluency blog and write a blog every day for 30 days. Over time blogging became easier, yet harder to do. It was hard to write a blog when I had trouble coming up with a topic or had writer’s block. I really liked the fact that I could blog about random topics that I wanted to write about or anything that popped into my mind. I was not too crazy about blogging every day. I had no problems blogging; it was just the fluency part that stumped me.
I do not know if this project has changed me as a writer. I do feel more comfortable with posting my writing to the public on my blog. I am still insecure about my writing, but I have gained some confidence in my writing. I don’t think I have seen significant writing changes, due to this fluency blog project. I know I could have used my in class free writing assignments, but when I read through my journal free writes, I did not really like them. I felt more comfortable creating random subjects to write and start from scratch. If I used any of my journal free writes, I would change and rewrite a lot of what I previously wrote in class.  
I believe I could have been more organized and managed my time better to create more interesting, fluent blog posts. I never thought I would enjoy blogging, but I suddenly grown to like it within a short amount of time. I may not be a good blogger or writer, but I try and I think it is fun and a great way to express myself. I really would like to gain creativity in my writing to make it more interesting to captivate my audience’s attention and not bore them. If anyone ever reads my blog…

My Guardian Angel/Protector

I believe everyone has a guardian angel. I believe my protector is God. I also believe that he sent an angel from heaven above to protect me and be my guardian angel. I don’t know if my guardian angel is a close friend of mine or just an angel that I cannot see and is always by my side. All I know is that I feel a presence that makes me feel secure and protected. It’s nice to know that God has specially chosen the right angel for me and sent them down from heaven, just for me.
I know I am protected and kept in safe hands because there have been some crazy events happening in my life recently. About a month ago, around 2 o’clock in the morning, I fell asleep while driving down highway 60. I had a late class and afterwards I hung out with a buddy of mine. I tried to open my eyes so many times, but I just could not keep my eyes open. I even tried turning the radio up and singing along, but even this didn’t help. I have never been so tired. My body was shutting itself down quickly and I could even stay awake to fight it. Thank God there wasn’t anyone driving around me. Surprisingly, I stayed on the highway and didn’t crash into anything. I was awakened by the sound of the ridges on the side of the highway. It was by the grace of God that I made it home safely.
Today, after class I almost got hit by a car. It was my own fault. No, I am not suicidal if you were wondering. I wasn’t thinking and it had been a very long morning. I have been stressed out lately and I am very sleep deprived. I always look both ways before crossing the street and I don’t know why I didn’t today. I looked to the right, but not the left. Well at least, not until I had stepped off the curb with one foot and saw this car was less than a foot away from me. It not only scared me half to death, but I know the driver was feeling just like me. If I had taken one more step I could have been hit. Something or someone was protecting me, and I believe it was a guardian angel. My mom had been praying for my safety all morning because she knew something wasn’t right. Prayer works wonders.


Growing up I absolutely hated chores. I always dreaded doing chores. Every time my parents would tell us kids to clean house, I wanted to run and hide in my room until all of my sisters finished everything, but unfortunately I had to do my share. I still don’t like chores. Looking back, it really wasn’t that big of a deal. I think I dislike doing dishes the most. Maybe because I have a huge family, so it seems as if the dishes keep piling up. Every kid in the house has to get one cup after the other out of the cabinet and all I can think about is, “you just had water, why would you need to get another cup already?” But their only kids and they forget when they get all excited playing games. It seems like nobody ever cleans the whole kitchen when they are supposed to when it is their dish night.
Doing laundry is a hassle when you have a big family of seven or more.  It is ridiculous how much clothes go in and out of the wash. It is even more ridiculous when you have to do three loads of laundry for one person. It seems like it takes forever to fold all of those clothes.
Living in a house with a bunch of girls is not all that great. The house gets messy and it seems like primping time is way more important. There is hair everywhere depending on what room you go in. So hairballs tend to form because some people are too lazy to pick it up. Hairballs are grouse.
My parents would always tell us kids to take care of the dog. So all of my sisters and I assigned ourselves to a different task for this dog. One of us, the one of us who was willing, would give the dog a bath. This person was never me. I am not a big pet fan. I like animals, but I don’t really want to own one. First of all, I really don’t have the time or money to take care of an animal.
I don’t think I could ever be a maid or a nanny because I would hate to have to clean up after people, or be their own personal cleaning service. I think I would fail at these kinds of jobs.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Music brings meaning to life. When I hear a song with a crazy good beat, I dance no matter where I am. I love singing and dancing, especially in my car. When I hear one of my favorite songs on the radio or on a mixed cd, it always tends to brighten my day and puts me in a better mood. Music is a great way to express feelings, moods, personalities, and so much more. It doesn’t matter if you are a good or bad singer, as long as you enjoy singing along to your favorite tune, the only thing that matters is that you are having a good time and living it up.
So many people can relate to music. I like all types of music. I really enjoy finding new bands and artists. I usually go to YouTube and search my favorites, and then I look on the sidebar and check out some random people who cover their songs or new artists that I have never heard of before.
“Music is well said to be the speech of angels.” “Music is love in search of a word.” These are quotes from the picture above. I thought it was a pretty neat picture to describe the way I look at music and how others may view it too.
Music can be very intimate, in different aspects of how people perceive it. It is a powerful connection between the body and soul, which pours out the desires and feelings that one has. This connection is then shared with the world and others relate to the music in their own way. It is so amazing to me how music has shaped the world. From records, 8-tracks, cassette tapes to CDs, YouTube, and iTunes. The world and ways of music is ever changing, but if you take a step back and look at it, music is the same.


YouTube is amazing! I love it! I believe it is a great source for entertainment. It is created for all age groups to use it. I always like to go to YouTube and search something random or try to find something hilarious to make me laugh. I really enjoy listening and browsing covers of my favorite bands. I have found some really good undiscovered artists by listening to covered songs, and I have found different bands that I really have grown to like from just browsing the on sidebar. When I hear a song and I don’t know who the artist is or the song title, I go to YouTube. I can usually find what I am looking for; I really like that. I greatly appreciate the creator(s) of YouTube; it has brought happiness and great entertainment to my life and took away boredom.  I would have to call YouTube a genius idea/creation.
I think YouTube gives upcoming or undiscovered artists and bands the opportunity to be seen and heard. It also allows people to watch and discover endless entertainment and it is free!
I love watching videos where people think so highly of themselves. They think they are good singers, but in reality they are tone deaf. Then there are the dancers that are really bad and I am surprised they haven’t hurt themselves by their ‘what should never be seen or illegal’ dance moves. These things crack me up.
I can’t forget about some of the informative videos on “how to…” Sometimes these videos can be pretty useful and they might come in handy.  I think some of these videos are interesting.
I really like YouTube because it is full of diversity. It is made with everyone in mind, which is pretty awesome!

Life Under My Microscope

I view life as an open door to make it what you will. I see it as simple opportunity to change the past, present, and future with any specific action. I believe every action has its own consequence, whether it is good or bad. People make mistakes especially me, but I take these mistakes and try to view them as learning experiences. I like to think of myself as being optimistic. I always try to get a head of myself, be prepared, responsible, stay on top of tasks, but somehow it seems like I just fall further and further behind, so I contradict myself. If you think about it life contradicts itself all the time. What is life without chaos? Life would be boring, chaos entertains and frustrates people. I dislike chaos and drama, so does my father. My father is a very wise man. He once told me, “If you try, you will fail. If you do it, you will succeed.” My problem is that I try and don’t always succeed. Most people spend their life trying and never reaching the goals they have set before themselves.  It is the mindset of a person and their goals that get them through life. Nobody is perfect and I should not expect myself to be.

Writer's Block/My Thoughts

Hmmm…What to write? I really don’t like it when I have an assignment due and I have no clue what to write about or better yet…get writer’s block. I feel like I lack creativity in my writing. When I have to write it’s almost as every thought I have becomes dull and lame to type or put on paper. It sucks to not have some creative thought when I have to write something. I am creative with projects, fashion, graphic design, and things like scrapbooking (but I don’t scrapbook), but I just feel like I cannot get the slightest bit creative with my writing. I sit in my English class and listen to people read and discuss their free writing, assignments, and thoughts. Some of them are very creative. They inspire me and make me wish I was more creative and a better writer. All I have to say is thank goodness my career is not in writing anything for the public.
When I have an assignment in my English class, I have trouble coming up with a topic. All throughout the day, I think about so many things, but when I have to sit down and write, that is when my mind goes blank. I get writer’s block. So, I sit in front of the computer for about 30 minutes or more trying to think of something interesting to write about, or I try to write something that will capture somebodies attention. I also strive to add so creativity to my blog and anything else I may have to write.
I feel sorry for anyone who reads my blog because you might just be bored to death. Okay well I was exaggerating, I hope. I do not blame people for not wanting to read my blog.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Be Happy, Don't Worry :)

Happiness is a very essential emotion in a person's life. Some of the smallest things can make someone happy. Some of the smallest things can also make a person mad or upset. I think it is so strange that emotions can be rather bipolar at times because happiness can turn into sadness or madness, or just the opposite, within seconds. For me, it seems like I get stuck on an emotional roller coaster, every now and then.
                Just when things are finally going good... I am the happiest I have been in a while. It feels as if nothing could bring me down. Half the day has gone by and I think things couldn’t be better. I laughed and smiled so much that my cheeks start to hurt, but I did not care because I was truly happy again and having fun with my family. I finally got the phone call I waited for all day. I so excited I was probably glowing. This is where everything goes downhill. My special someone the other line is tired and upset. I suddenly feel like it is my fault. Why!? This totally killed my good mood in a heartbeat. I let this one incident ruin the rest of my day. It was so not worth it!
                 It is funny how one person can make me feel so many emotions. One minute they could make me feel like I am on top of the world, like royalty, so joyful and loved. He takes away my pain and sadness, but he can also bring it back without even realizing it. It’s not his fault. I am thankful that there are only a few sad, depressing days with him.
                One of my favorite quotations is “Smile, Happy looks good on you!” – Christopher Drew (nevershoutnever). Growing up, I remember my parents telling me, “It takes more muscles to frown, than it does to smile” and my all-time favorite (when I was mad) “your face is going to get stuck like that”. I try to embrace happiness in my everyday life because it takes away my stress and worries. Without happiness I could not function like a normal person, whatever normal may be.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

4 Year Old Soccer Games

          This morning, I went to my four year old nephew’s soccer game. This was the first of his games that I have attended this fall. I had a good time, got a few laughs, and a couple "oohhhh''s. He had two games this morning, so about the time his second game came around he was done. He was getting cranky and starting to whine.
          Watching four year old children play soccer is so cute and can be very entertaining. They tend to trip over their own two feet and even trip each other, a lot. One kid was running toward the goal; he suddenly tripped and fell. As he fell to the ground, his head hit the soccer ball. It was the funniest thing I have seen in a while. It would great YouTube material. Another kid came off the field so excited, telling everyone near him, the coach said he was "setting the field on fire!'' You should have seen the look on his face, it was so adorable. A kid from the opposing team got mad at this boy for making a goal, so he starts swinging his fist up and down, trying to hit the boy, but didn't succeed. The kid was not happy. He started jumping around swinging and tossing his arms and legs all over the place, throwing a huge fit. Then he started to cry. It turns out that he was the opposing team coach's son.
          When I saw how enthusiastic these four year old children were, it put a smile on my face. It made me happy and I began to think about how like was so simple, with no worries, or a care in the world. Those were the good days. These four year olds' did not care about losing or winning, they just wanted to have fun. The refs don't even keep score anyway, so it really doesn't matter. I cracks me up when parents get so upset at these games. The kids are only four years old; why does there have to be drama brought into what should be enjoyable memories.


          Babysitting can be fun. Sometimes I look forward to it and other times I don't. It just depends on what kid or kids I have to babysit. It also depends on if I get paid or not...usually I never get paid. Huge downfall of babysitting for family. Being 18, unemployed, and attending would be nice to get some cash here and there.
          I don't really know what it is like being a teenager, well at least what is classified as a normal teenager, because I always stayed at home, went to school, did my homework, and you guessed it...babysat. I missed out on a lot.
          It is funny to me when I get a phone call from certain people because I know exactly why they are calling. Does this make me a push over if I rarely say no? I guess I do it out of love and kindness, or because I want those certain people to go out with their significant other and have a good time, go out on a date every now and then, or just give them the break that they deserve. I think about my future and when it comes my time to become a parent, I know I would want these things. So, I try not to complain.          
          Tonight I was going to go to a football game with my friends, but it turned out that I got stuck babysitting instead, while my older sibling, in-law, and their two older children went to the game. I watched their four year old son. It seems like every time I make plans, something always comes up to where they get canceled or postponed. I know it is my own fault and I could have said no, but I knew they really wanted to go and they didn't want to deal with a hyper four year old boy during the game. They didn't want to spend the whole time chasing him around the field. I know I wouldn't.
          At first I wasn't really into the whole idea of watching my four year old nephew, and missing out on the game that I was suppose to attend. But I got over it. It turns out that my nephew and I had a blast together. We ate popcorn, snuggled up under a blanket on the couch and watched How To Train Your Dragon and Marmaduke. I would say it all turned out for the best and I am glad I babysat tonight.
          I sacrifice a lot to make others happy and most of the time I am ok with that. Just looking back, I don't want to regret anything. I just want to have fun, live my life for me, and experience what the world has to offer, while I am young.

My Favorite Piece of Furniture

One of my favorite pieces of furniture is a fainting couch. Fainting couches can be elegant and sophisticated, especially in the Victorian era in the 1800s. I do not own one, but I really would like to.  I am very intrigued by their history.

A fainting couch has no backrest or just a partial one. Fainting couches are usually raised for reclining at one end. They can have one armrest or two. They offer comfort as to where a person can half sit or lie down. 

Fainting couches have a unique, interesting history. These couches were not commonly referred to as fainting couches until the 19th century. The fainting couch has been referred to as a chaise lounge, a Grecian couch, and a Récamier couch. They were very popular in the Victorian period. Some people think a daybed is the same as a fainting couch or a chaise lounge. A daybed has a full backrest, therefore it is not considered to be a proper fainting couch. In the early 1800s, French artist Jacques-Louis David painted a famous portrait of Madame Récamier, a popular socialite. This is how it became known as the Récamier couch. It must have two armrests (one at each end) to be considered a true Récamier couch.
Madame Récamier painting (1800)

Fainting couches were made for women in the 1800s. Most of these women wore corsets. Corsets kept women breathless, which made them more likely to faint. Women needed larger than average chairs to accommodate their fashionable hooped skirts. Therefore the fainting couch was a suitable piece of furniture to collapse on. Some homes and hotels had fainting rooms set up to where the women could catch their breath on a fainting couch.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


I doodle all the time. I think it is entertaining. I think doodling is the most fun when I draw and scribble random things that pop into my mind. I think drawing and doodling is more creative when I don't focus on a specific item and doodle random little doodles. Random doodles like so, above in my notebook. I doodled this picture in my notebook during my history class because I was so bored. When I am bored, I just put the pen to paper and doodle what ever pops into my mind to create a page of randomness. I usually doodle clouds, lightning, and rain. I also like to draw eyes, for some unknown reason. Looking back at my doodles, I want to draw more and more on this page that I refer to as my page of randomness. I want to fill up all of the empty gaps on the page. Oh...the joys of doodling. Doodling helps me relieve some of my stress. I optimistically recommend doodling to everyone.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


The leaves are slowly changing from green to red, yellow, and orange. I find this to be so beautiful. It inspires me. I would like to go take pictures of all the gorgeous sceneries this fall. Ask a few friends if they would like to tag along. Sounds like a plan for a good day. In the fall, the weather is perfect. When the leaves begin to fall and the trees become bare, it kind of makes me sad because I know winter is near. During this time, my family, friends, and I gather up leaves to run and jump in. We try to make huge piles of leaves to make it more fun. The most fun time to do this is when my niece and nephews come over…it’s always more fun when there are excited little kids around. I always seem to laugh and enjoy it more.
Fall is my favorite season. I love everything about it. I especially like it when my mom buys seasonal candles like pumpkin spice, cinnamon, and other fall spices. I can’t remember all of the candle scents, but they have left a great impression on me. I am the kind of girl who walks into a room, stops, closes her eyes, and takes in the fresh aroma of a delicious candle. When I smell these candles, I start to feel a sense of warmth, comfort, and relaxation. I might be weird and that is okay with me; I like it.
Talking about the fall season makes me want to get a pumpkin spice cappuccino. As Thanksgiving gets closer, I start craving turkey and mashed potatoes. My favorite seasonal dessert is my mom’s homemade pumpkin and pecan pies.
   I really like having auburn hair because it changes with the season. It gets darker in the fall and winter. In late summer and early fall, the natural blonde highlights fade into a more orange, red color. In the fall and on the verge of winter, my hair has intense red and brown tones. My hair reminds me of the changing leaves on the trees in the fall, in a sense.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Rainy/Stormy Days and Great Dates :)

              Rainy days are the best! They are usually the most relaxed for me. Rainy and stormy days are the best time to read a good book, or watch your favorite movies and cuddle. I love watching romantic movies, when it rains. I think rainy, stormy days just set the mood for romance. I also love sitting outside watching the storm pass through, or dancing in the rain. I really enjoy slipping on my black, multi-colored polka dotted rain boots and running and jumping in the huge water puddles. It is so fun; it allows me to be youthful. I really want to go puddle jumping now…and I also want to dance in the rain.
                Earlier, it started to thunder. All I could think about was how much I wanted it to rain. When my date and I got finished eating at Cheddar’s, it started to pour down rain. Once we got outside the restaurant, we sprinted toward his Corvette. We were soaked. The rain drops were the size of quarters; they might have been a little bigger. All we could do was laugh. It was so amazing and romantic. I have this list; some people refer to it as the bucket list. One of the things on my list is to kiss my prince charming in the pouring rain. I imagine it will be magical.
                Back to the movies…I think it is great when I can stay at home with my boyfriend and cuddle on the couch, and watch a good romantic comedy. Tonight, we went to the movie theater and had a blast. We watched Case 39 and I jumped quite a few times. I am not a real big scary movie buff, but I was totally up for it. It was one of the best dates of my life.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pumpkin Spice Cappuccino

People never forget their first love. I remember when I first laid eyes on you…you were HOT… Yes, I could literally see the steam rising off of your body. You smelled amazing! Not of sweat, but of a lingering sent of pumpkin spice. This automatically drew me in…
At first I was really skeptical and curious. I don’t like coffee and there are very few coffee drinks that I do like. My mom told me about it and convinced me to try it. She thought I would like it. Well, turns out that I absolutely loved it! It’s like fall, Christmas, and heaven in a cup. Once I drank my entire first cup, I immediately wanted another. I thought it was a little strange because I have never had a craving like this for anything before. Now I really do not want the fall to turn into winter because my new favorite drink, the pumpkin spice cappuccino, will go out of season. Just thinking about it makes me sad. I predict that I love this pumpkin spice drink so much because it reminds me of fall. Fall is by far my favorite season! The pumpkin spice cappuccino made my taste buds go wild, it was a new exciting flavor and the best part about it is that you can’t even taste the coffee in it. When drinking, I get a warm, fuzzy feeling. Something about it triggers certain endorphins in my body. Last night, I tried a pumpkin spice latte and I immediately to a liking to it also. It might not be the drink itself that I have fell in love with maybe it is the pumpkin spice. Maybe I have a secret obsession with pumpkin spice because I love the drinks, candles, and the aromas in general.  

What a Great Day!?

                When I get out of class, the first thing I think about is probably food. Last Tuesday was just like any other Tuesday, until I realized that two squirrels were watching me, as I got into my car. These two squirrels were less than five feet in front of me on a tree that I parked in front of. So I stared back at them for a few minutes. One of the squirrels ran around the back of the tree and poked his head out, trying to be sneaky, but I know he was watching me intently. The other squirrel just ran up the tree. As I was watching them, I started to think about the possibilities… like they could jump on the hood of my car, or attempt to attack me at any second. After we exchanged stares for a few minutes, I left the parking lot to get some food because I was starving. It was around seven o’clock at night and I did not eat anything all day. I was craving Taco Bell, so I didn’t waste much time. My stomach said “feed me” and I replied “ok let’s do this!” I thought to myself, “Man, food never tasted so good…yum (happy face)!”
                After I finished eating at Taco Bell, I thought I had seen a glare or a reflection of one of the street lights on my car. As I got closer, I realized that my car had been hit. There was a huge dent in my pretty little blue car. Whoever hit my car, I am not happy with you at all! … I know you drive a little white car, because you left enough evidence for me to figure that much out. It really upsets me when people are so disrespectful to others property. They could have at least written me a note and stuck it under my windshield wipers, but not they had to be an absolute jerk. I always knew I strongly disliked OTC’s parking lots.